Friday, September 29, 2006

Parents Night - 2006

Please join us in honoring the following Seniors and their parents:

Chris Bambam
son of Patty and Gary

Jeff Bazzo
son of Debbie and Don

Joe Ciacchi
son of Cathie and Gary

Mike Hicho
son of Gerry and Michael

Gary Huntz
son of Joyce and Gary

Ross Minick
son of Laura and Rick

Alex Ristic
son of Milica and Nicola

Jamie Scott
son of Linda and Jerry

Parents Night is Tuesday, October 5

Friday, September 22, 2006

Spirit Week Thank You

Thanks for marking the balloons:
Michelle Grubb, Diane Porvasnik, Michelle Adams,
Kerri Smith, Katy Ventura, Linda Scott, Laura Minick

Thanks for providing the hot air:
Alison, Kyle, and Trevor Dietrich

Thanks for attaching them:
Gerry Hicho, Michelle Grubb, Linda Scott, Laura Minick

Thanks for helping with the Homecoming Pizza Brunch:
Patty Bambam, Jasmine Cancar, Gerry Hicho,
Joyce Huntz, Linda Scott, Laura Minick

Monday, September 18, 2006

Other Links of Interest

NRHS Girls Soccer

North Royalton Sports Calendar

High School Scores and Standings

Ohio Soccer Stats

Woodard Photo
Click On: View/Purchase Photos; Action Photos
School: North Royalton HS; NOR138

Brecksville - Soccer 9/7
Parents Night - Misc 10/3